Category: Future Tech

St. Terence’s ‘Psychedelic Compressionism’ (Upcoming Bio)
We induced Terence to wear our original classic Tribal Donut slogan t-shirt, “NO EPISTEMOLOGY WITHOUT PHARMACOLOGY”, once pon a time.

GMO’d Phyto-Plankton CleanUp Crews of Tomorrow
Another future industry here. Next branch of #BioSecurityState. Manipulate the base of the biospheric food chain to clean up our toxic wastes. Possibly. To get rid of one problem. Create an even

Cultural Fugue – Coming to a Home-World Near You?
“Cultural Fugue.” A concept unveiled in Samuel R. Delany’s science fiction novel, STARS IN MY POCKET LIKE GRAINS OF SAND. Slightly relevant to today, perhaps: A condition arising on many planets in

Fractal Genomics across the Cosmos?
Just a fancy schmancy conceptual toy for thinking about complexity across all scales, or is it disprovable?

MKULTRA Greatest Hits: Cracking Open the Vault on 149 Sub-Projects
The CIA got creative with its mad-scientist schemes to manipulate the mind & remotely control sleeper agents. They let the LSD genie out of the Sandoz lamp, then took a hard turn into a dystopian bad trip. Or, that’s what we’re meant to believe!

Not the Singularity You Were Expecting — Rona’s Sleazy Sleastak Sleight-of-Hand Davos Card Game
An Exercise in Trash Panda Theory.
The Trifecta of High Strangeness: UFOs, (Tek)Gnostics & Psychedelia – New Episodes!
Beatles, UAPs & USOs. SuicideGirls, MKUltra, Panopticons, Plasma Tubes, Sufis of London, Magnetospheric Masers, Orbital Subs, Striding beyond the bounds of Official Reality, where ‘conspira-tainment’ meets esoteric Truth-Seekers!

Is SARS2 Itself a Vaccine? Emergent Hypothesis from #DRASTIC-adjacent Twitterer(s)
Everybody was right and everybody was wrong. Maybe. A new disprovable sub-hypothesis of #Lab-Leak is now on the table. Upshot: don’t take crappy overhyped mRNA vaccines against a Live Attenuated Virus Vaccine.