Not the Singularity You Were Expecting — Rona’s Sleazy Sleastak Sleight-of-Hand Davos Card Game
An Exercise in Trash Panda Theory.

Logistics & Heuristics of the Mystics: Greg Bishop
DrinkingAbout Chats with the Host of RadioMisterioso
The Trifecta of High Strangeness: UFOs, (Tek)Gnostics & Psychedelia – New Episodes!
Beatles, UAPs & USOs. SuicideGirls, MKUltra, Panopticons, Plasma Tubes, Sufis of London, Magnetospheric Masers, Orbital Subs, Striding beyond the bounds of Official Reality, where ‘conspira-tainment’ meets esoteric Truth-Seekers!
Episode 3, in which Free Speech Warrior & Cognitive Theorist Dr. Mark Changizi Takes on both Covidian Mass Hysteria & the Theories of “Evil Charismatic King Twiddling his Fingers”
In our scintillating third episode, we got some time with Mark Changizi, cognitive theoretician and Co-Founder of a new institute, FreeX.group, for free speech and free expression. Mark has been an outspoken

From “the War on Some Drugs” to “the War on COVID” & “How to Escape Technocracy” – Convos with MaryJane Patton & Derrick Broze
New podcast series, DrinkingAbout, launching with that cranky old instigator from the Cali Rave Days, Mr. Twist as co-host / researcher along with DrinkingAbout producer, Cor Pallanck. For our launch interview, we

Is SARS2 Itself a Vaccine? Emergent Hypothesis from #DRASTIC-adjacent Twitterer(s)
Everybody was right and everybody was wrong. Maybe. A new disprovable sub-hypothesis of #Lab-Leak is now on the table. Upshot: don’t take crappy overhyped mRNA vaccines against a Live Attenuated Virus Vaccine.

Jacques Vallee’s New Book, TRINITY, Follows the Data: from Ultra-Terrestrial Theory to Debris Analysis, & Now a 1945 Crashed Object?
We grew up on Jacques Vallee’s open-minded but rigorous research into UFOs. Vallee was all about the Hyper-dimensional or “Ultra-Terrestrial” model, UFOs as a cybernetic teaching mechanism for humanity, as an indicator