Category: Gnosis Mythos

The Conspiracy Myth

And what is a myth? A myth is not the same thing as a fantasy or a delusion. Myths are vehicles of truth, and that truth needn’t be literal. …In this way, myths bring light to the shadows and reveal what has been repressed.

Beyond Ball Lighting: Crazy ‘Sky Critters’ UFO Theory

Gets Surprising Echo from a Romanian Plasma Lab

Valis, Zebra, Gaia

Some kind of higher intelligence may be present in the world but be hidden to us through a cunning sort of mimicry.

Star Charts, Big Rocks, & the Younger Dryas Debate

Gobekli Tepe memorialized a Near-Extinction Event, a key site for “schools of recitation” & the rebooting of civilization?

DUNE: Sayings of the Zen-Sunni Wanderers

Ignore the space opera trappings. Dune goes deep.
Early Dune illo by John Schoenherr.

Moorish Orthodox Church Online Archive

Hakim Bey-ish subcult network surfaces

#Moebius “40 Days” Hits US, Finalement!

If “Inner Earth” realms actually existed, Moebius would be their chronicler.

Vernadsky! Originator of ‘Biosfera’ Concept – Life as a Geological Force on Earth

Vernadsky! …the Earth’s atmosphere itself, consisting primarily of oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon, is the creation of life. – Vernadsky Yeah, before Lovelock and the Gaia Hypothesis, long before Gorshkov / Makarieva’s “Biotic


Sophia bails from the Pleroma. She’s lost, stunned, crash-landed, shattered. She aborts this fetus that becomes Yahweh, and all his little archontic minions, mindlessly droning on, replicating. . . a perfect description of industrial society, its machinery, its robotic human behaviors? The biospheric womb giving birth to this other kind of thing, out of control, out of tune with its mother. . . glitchy spastic clanking non-breathing droidlettes minimalls tv hosts. . . fake fake fake…