Tag: climate

Civilization & Planet-Killers, a Short & Mutable List

1. Cascading ecosystem degradation from deforestation, overfishing, habitat destruction of insects and birds, etc. Pollutants in waterways including synthetic fertilizer loads and wipeout of invisible microbial and microrrhyzal ecosystems over large regions

Feedbacks in Climate

For a few years we were looking for a neat table comparing all climate feedbacks side by side. Finally we found one in this new study about how feedbacks are handled in


Pink & Purple Polka-Dot Pyrate Parrot Party Unpacks Ultrafluorescent Left Mutant Approach to Biosphericide vs. So-Called Climate Emergency

(Collective) Displacement: Solve for Y, When X Is Too Tough?

In Freudian psychology, displacement is an unconscious defence mechanism whereby the mind substitutes either a new aim or a new object for goals felt in their original form to be dangerous or unacceptable.

‘NO REGRETS’ — Dis-entagling the Myriad Murky Loopy Interconnex of Soil <-> CO2 <-> H2O <-> Climate

Posting this useful video as a stand-in for a longer review post (or series of posts) about hydrology, soil microbia/ecosystems, and CO2 cycling. An important counterpoint and supplement would be Roger Pielke

The #GreenNewDeal – OTHER reasons why it might be a good idea

Probably, you know for a fact that the 6th Great Extinction is upon us. And industrial GHGs are the cause. Settled science, case closed. The time for debate is over, the time

“Who Wishes to Wield Me?” Sayeth the GREEN Ring of Power

DO-GOODER ENERGY WONKAGE GOES INTO HYPERDRIVE – RE: @AOC’s #GreenNewDeal. But do the Congressional New Mutants Have What It Takes …