Category: Economics

If It’s so Great, Why Isn’t Regen Ag Everywhere?

Bit of a pitch here from a cool organization, been on their list for some time, wiffle-waffling… Improve soil water & carbon retention! Improve the human gut microbiome! Getchyer used microscope &

Cultural Fugue – Coming to a Home-World Near You?

“Cultural Fugue.” A concept unveiled in Samuel R. Delany’s science fiction novel, STARS IN MY POCKET LIKE GRAINS OF SAND. Slightly relevant to today, perhaps: A condition arising on many planets in

Who Could Be Against Public & Planetary Health?

OCA: If COVID-19, the product of mad science and insatiable greed, has taught us anything, it’s that we must transform our food and farming systems and take control of our health. We must acknowledge and resolve the dietary, environmental, and public health-related comorbidities of our ailing population, strengthen our immune systems to fight off chronic disease and pathogens, and provide special protection for the most vulnerable.

Let the Real COVID Debate Begin: Declaration on ‘Focused Protection’ (Herd Immunity) Signed by Dissident PhDs, MDs & Humans

February, March, April, May 2020: Where were the televised or livestreamed debates between independent science advisors on how best to manage COVID? Where was the frank, upfront discussion of predictable “collateral damages”

Renewable Carbon Initiative Kicks Off in EU

“Industry has to go beyond using renewable energy. All fossil carbon use has to end.”

Ethics in Psychedelic Biz

Upcoming webinar Sept 8, presumably free…? Liana Gilooly is co-developer of the NorthStar Initiative, which appears to be MAPS’ effort to respond to criticisms coming from the psychedelic left (psymposia folk in

The Cultural Evolution of Planetary Collapse

Is there a “radical” surgery that gets to the root causes of planetary disruption? How might the root causes be discerned? What kinds of designed intervention might be up to the task of safeguarding humanity’s future?

Planetizers vs. Globalizers – Key Polarities of Early 21C?

This showed up in our email inbox: From Globalization To A Planetary Mindset It’s time for new cooperative platforms that address irreducible interdependence. An opening editorial to a new issue of NOEMA