Category: Edge Science

The Trifecta of High Strangeness: UFOs, (Tek)Gnostics & Psychedelia – New Episodes!

Beatles, UAPs & USOs. SuicideGirls, MKUltra, Panopticons, Plasma Tubes, Sufis of London, Magnetospheric Masers, Orbital Subs, Striding beyond the bounds of Official Reality, where ‘conspira-tainment’ meets esoteric Truth-Seekers!

Episode 3, in which Free Speech Warrior & Cognitive Theorist Dr. Mark Changizi Takes on both Covidian Mass Hysteria & the Theories of “Evil Charismatic King Twiddling his Fingers”

In our scintillating third episode, we got some time with Mark Changizi, cognitive theoretician and Co-Founder of a new institute,, for free speech and free expression. Mark has been an outspoken

Is SARS2 Itself a Vaccine? Emergent Hypothesis from #DRASTIC-adjacent Twitterer(s)

Everybody was right and everybody was wrong. Maybe. A new disprovable sub-hypothesis of #Lab-Leak is now on the table. Upshot: don’t take crappy overhyped mRNA vaccines against a Live Attenuated Virus Vaccine.

Jacques Vallee’s New Book, TRINITY, Follows the Data: from Ultra-Terrestrial Theory to Debris Analysis, & Now a 1945 Crashed Object?

We grew up on Jacques Vallee’s open-minded but rigorous research into UFOs. Vallee was all about the Hyper-dimensional or “Ultra-Terrestrial” model, UFOs as a cybernetic teaching mechanism for humanity, as an indicator

“About your post” …

Of things that shan’t be said (anymore, on certain social platforms)…

The Expanse’s Proto-Molecule: Metaphor for COVID Dark Night of the Soul

The proto-molecule, like a virus, neither alive nor dead, neither purely organic nor purely technological, absorbing and transforming humans to its own design, poetically encapsulates the transhumanist geo-political vision … “The more biomass you feed it, the more it learns.”

UFOs: Re-Framing the Debate [Robbie Graham – Excerpt]

“The ultimate irony of the Disclosure movement is that, by imagining all answers to the UFO mystery to be out of public reach, deep in the bowels of the national security state, it places power into the hands of officialdom, while disempowering the individual.

‘Physicalist ET’ Paradigm Defended by Dolan in New Book?

“Did Aliens Fuck with Our Genome?” was for a while the tag-line for this lil blog full of fascinating yet useless questions :-). The linked promo vid by Dolan for his forthcoming